Another option is Restylane®, which is a crystal-clear, non-animal, biodegradable gel based on a natural substance (hyaluronic acid.) The gel is injected into the skin in tiny amounts with a very fine needle. The result is instantaneous and produces a long-lasting, natural enhancement, gentle and safe to your skin.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
Botulinum Toxin Type A (BOTOX® Cosmetic) is a protein complex produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When used in a medical setting as an injectable form of sterile, purified botulinum toxin, small doses block the release of a chemical called acetylcholine by nerve cells that signal muscle contraction.
Juvéderm® Injectable Gel is a safe, effective gel that restores volume to the skin and smoothes away moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Juvéderm is the first FDA-approved dermal filler proven safe and effective for persons of color.
Juvéderm Voluma™
Juvéderm Voluma™ is a new, FDA-approved dermal filler formulated specifically to add volume to the face around the cheeks and chin. This is the only injectable gel created to provide a subtle, natural enhancement to the mid-face, addressing changes in definition that occur over time.