Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

TV does not equal truth:

The Infamous Sex and the City Episode… In this episode, the character Samantha has a chemical peeling treatment and ends up extremely red and irritated. In the real world, that type of reaction could only be the result of a deep resurfacing treatment, which would require the patient to stay indoors until the surface skin has healed. Today, there are many chemical peeling agents that provide great results in a progressive manner, as opposed to aggressive. The words “chemical” and “acid” often scare individuals from receiving these beneficial treatments, but they shouldn’t. The active acids found in most chemical peels are found in nature. Glycolic acid comes from sugar cane, lactic acid from milk and salicylic acid comes from wintergreen, just to name a few.

Pharmacy & Department Store Peeling Systems:

No matter what the company claims, you will not get the same results at home as you would in a professional setting. The grades and percentages of ingredients found in over the counter products are a small fraction of those in a professional setting. For a cosmetic company to retail something equivalent to a professional product is illegal.

Resurfacing Treatments:

Not all chemical peels are obvious the next day. Some of our “resurfacing treatments” are mild acid treatments. These treatments provide a great, fresh-faced exfoliation without peeling the next day!

  • Glycolic Peels are great for collagen regeneration & fine lines and aid in moisture retention.
  • Lactic Peels brighten skin, aid in moisture retention and are safe for sensitive skin types.
  • Salicylic Peels help to regulate oil production and break down excess oil and acne bacteria.

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